sean update

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sean update


2022-steps (2).jpg
2022-steps (2).jpg
sean has been doing good for the week and no seizures, it appears, meds are keeping him under control, as I have stated the supposed 18 months people with this have brain tumor is here and he is still here and fighting. lately after the emergency room doc told him to go home and die more less, he has started thinking about burial plots, and even getting a baptism which i will never do. so it did affect him. he still plays games even after the tumor impact, role playing games, used to be a dungeons and dragons player. he wanted to go and look at some used games, so he is still playing, we took him to a place that looks like it is on the second floor of apartment that they turned into commercial places, it was a hard steps to get up, but he got up and down in, gingerly with me backing him up, his next hurtle is a mri thursday, its been 2 months with no chemo and we hope the tumor is still stable and maybe a little smaller, so thursday is a major day in his process or set back, he is fearful of it but also hopeful of it. as always we are on a roller coaster ride and continue to do all we can do. thanks for all the thoughts and concern, will post the steps he fought up.

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Re: sean update

Post by SF Band dad »

Thank you.

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Re: sean update

Post by 96fanatic »

Glad to hear a little good news.

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Re: sean update


Yall sean has a hard day at musc tommorow early, he will do a mri to check his tumor and see his cancer doc face to face , wife said he had been off chemo for 6 months and basically communicating by phone with his doctor, so after the er doc filled him with so much doom and gloom and negative thoughts, his positivity as been harmed and even with his cancer doc getting him more positive, he questions and is worried about the test and being off chemo for so long, so we need yall to pray for sean that thursday it will continue to be good news and we keep on this quest to fight and hold the cancer beast at bay. I fear a bad day will even hurt his spirit more , he has been hopeful but more fearful to see the results after letting his body rest from chemo. thanks for the thoughts and love, Slick.

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Re: sean update

Post by DFOLDMAN »

Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:40 am
Yall sean has a hard day at musc tommorow early, he will do a mri to check his tumor and see his cancer doc face to face , wife said he had been off chemo for 6 months and basically communicating by phone with his doctor, so after the er doc filled him with so much doom and gloom and negative thoughts, his positivity as been harmed and even with his cancer doc getting him more positive, he questions and is worried about the test and being off chemo for so long, so we need yall to pray for sean that thursday it will continue to be good news and we keep on this quest to fight and hold the cancer beast at bay. I fear a bad day will even hurt his spirit more , he has been hopeful but more fearful to see the results after letting his body rest from chemo. thanks for the thoughts and love, Slick.
Thoughts and prayers, brother...thoughts and prayers.

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