Maps of the "5 class" realignment proposals (Archived)

Realignment, Classifications & Regions. Maps of the current classifications and regions.
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Maps of the "5 class" realignment proposals (Archived)

Post by SF Band dad »

Link to The Suns News' Prep Talk article that details the initial SCHSL 5-class proposal.

Maps of this proposal:

Class 5A

Class 4A

Class 3A

Class 2A

Class 1A

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Re: Maps of the 2014 realignment proposals

Post by SF Band dad »

A map that shows two alternate proposals for a 40 team Class 5A that account for the uneven distribution of large schools across the state.

- The first results in 7 regions: Three 6-team regions in the Up-state, two 6-team regions in the Mid-lands/Pee Dee and two 5-team regions on the coast.

- The second follows the same geographic groupings but results in 4 large regions: Two 9-team regions in the Up-state, one 12-team region in the Mid-lands / Pee Dee and one 10-team region on the coast.

Alternate 40-team 5A proposals based on geographic clusters

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Re: Maps of the 2014 realignment proposals

Post by SF Band dad »

If they go for Chuck Jordan's "3 Class / 2 Division" proposal, here are the 68 teams that would be in 3A using this year's enrollment numbers. I had to take some "creative liberty" with the distribution of students from Lexington & White Knoll to new River Bluff HS.

The large number of teams should result in more compact regions, at the end of the regular season the class splits with each division having it's own 16 team playoff. (3 Classes during the regular season, 6 playoff brackets.)

I took a shot at dividing them into practical regions. Link to the Map.

Low Country
The first constraint that became apparent is the odd number (13) of teams in the Low Country. Orangeburg-Wilkinson has to be included to even them out to create two 7 team regions that cross-bracket during region play.

Myrtle Beach/Pee-Dee
Horry County has 5 teams, add in the two Florence schools and then Hartsville to even out the region.

There are 13 schools around Columbia, plus Sumter and the 3 Aiken Co. schools makes 17. Either Lancaster or Greenwood will have to be included to even out the group. After playing around with it both ways I included Greenwood in the group and divided it into three 6-team regions. Including Lancaster would have left 7 schools around Rock Hill and would have required Gaffney to be included with the Rock Hill teams, increasing required travel even more.

I divided the 28 remaining schools in the Upstate into 4 regions of 6, 7, 7 and 8 to minimize required travel. Regions 2 & 3 would cross-bracket during region play.

Hey Slicker! Welcome back to the top classification!

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Re: Maps of the 2014 realignment proposals

Post by SF Band dad »

It appears that SCHSL is sticking with the current 4 classifications.

Moving up to 4A:
RIVER BLUFF (New school in Lexington D1)

Moving down to 3A:

Moving up to 3A:

Moving down to 2A:

Moving up to 2A:

Moving down to 1A:

Map of the schools in 4A
