2020 Outlook for High School Football

Discussions for fans of all teams and all classes of South Carolina High School Football.

Will we have high school football this season?

Poll ended at Fri May 08, 2020 10:15 am

Yes, it will start on Week Zero as planned.
Yes, but not until the week after Labor Day
Yes, but it will only be REGION GAMES
NO, for the first time in my lifetime, there will not be any High School Football
Total votes: 32

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by Deputy »

Onion Rings wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:50 am
so, are you going to the opening game in your area. In other words, will the fans return?
I don't think there will be any issues with the fans. By the time we get to August, folks will be clamoring for things to get back to normal. A high school, or college, football game would go a long way into fulfilling that need. Are you going to have some nervous types, and folks with underlying conditions stay away? Sure. And you might see some in masks an gloves. But folks would turn out. I think the fans would turn out on June 1 if they teed it up

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by spectator »

Deputy wrote:
Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:23 pm
There will be a football season. If things calm down like they think, figure you will see things go in August like normal. Maybe they push it back to October, or even January. College, or high school, football makes the money. So it is a business decision. And if by chance we can't get back to football by January of next year, I doubt it will matter much anyway. At that point we will all have much bigger issues to worry about. Now I don't think that will be the case, as I think this whole deal will pass soon enough.
For high school, it's either August or not at all. No way football and basketball season can happen at the same time.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by spectator »

SF Band dad wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 2:20 am
SF Band dad wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:10 pm
likeitRnot wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:50 pm
The news comes as Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, said he hopes for “a real degree of normality” by November. only person that seem to be upfront about all this!
The models that Fauci and other "experts" are using have ALL greatly over-estimated the number of infections and deaths to expect. They have had to continuously revise the numbers lower. That includes the IMHE model I linked above. I heard Fauci throwing shade on his "modelling buddies" at yesterday's briefing.

As of now, this model is predicting there will be no active cases in SC by June 24th. I expect they'll continue revising that date in.

Deaths peaked in South Carolina 16 days ago, hospitalizations peaked 2 days ago.
It is now projected there will be no active cases by June 11th, just 47 days from now. *corrected
We have not conducted enough testing to have any idea how big this monster is in South Carolina. The experts say we must increase testing 5 fold in order to even start any type of prediction.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by SF Band dad »

Those "experts" are wrong, we have plenty of real data to reply on now. Look at hospital admissions, ICU admissions, intubations and deaths.... they all peaked and are trending down. Additional testing and contact tracing will accelerate the decline, but as long as we keep our elderly and vulnerable quarantined this infection will quickly run out of receptive hosts and die out.

The decline in those measures is an indication that each infected person is infecting less than one person each. At the current rate of decline, infections in SC should hit 0 between May 26 and June 19.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by GoBigGreen »

I believe if school is in that Friday night football will be played. If/when COVID-19 returns in the fall, what will be the reaction?

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by Deputy »

spectator wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:53 pm
Deputy wrote:
Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:23 pm
There will be a football season. If things calm down like they think, figure you will see things go in August like normal. Maybe they push it back to October, or even January. College, or high school, football makes the money. So it is a business decision. And if by chance we can't get back to football by January of next year, I doubt it will matter much anyway. At that point we will all have much bigger issues to worry about. Now I don't think that will be the case, as I think this whole deal will pass soon enough.
For high school, it's either August or not at all. No way football and basketball season can happen at the same time.
I think you are wrong there. From fan support, to making money for the athletic department, there is no substitute for football. Basketball is the only other sport that could come within shouting distance but it falls woefully short. And at both the high school, and college, level football trumps everything. Let's put it this way. If you don't see a football season this year I don't think you will see any other sport at the high school level

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by FootballFan4343 »

Folks need to remember that the projections have fallen woefully short, to this point. Numbers are coming up about 5-10% of initial expectations of cases/deaths/hospitalizations. Our state is already showing signs that people are getting back out again. If that continues to happen, and schools are open, there will be sports in the fall. I do disagree on one thing however. I do not think no other sports occur if football doesn't happen. The reality is, at the high school level, government will offset the costs to make sports happen. Our state has operated in a surplus for 5-6 years straight now. We are extremely financially healthy. There is a reason that lawmakers have avoided taking all of the surplus and "giving it back". That reason is for the rainy day we are now experiencing in, what will be, a shortfall in tax revenue needed to run the state. However, unlike other states, we are very financially solvent and will be able to continue to operate the state.

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by racincowboy02 »

spectator you just keep on believing the main stream media and its agenda but for me and my family we are tired of being locked down we want our freedoms back. I feel very strongly that if they don't open these states up very soon you will see protest turn into riots. Its time for the governor to get the hell out. When do we as Americans take our freedoms back

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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by spectator »

Deputy wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:24 am
spectator wrote:
Sun Apr 26, 2020 11:53 pm
Deputy wrote:
Fri Apr 24, 2020 10:23 pm
There will be a football season. If things calm down like they think, figure you will see things go in August like normal. Maybe they push it back to October, or even January. College, or high school, football makes the money. So it is a business decision. And if by chance we can't get back to football by January of next year, I doubt it will matter much anyway. At that point we will all have much bigger issues to worry about. Now I don't think that will be the case, as I think this whole deal will pass soon enough.
For high school, it's either August or not at all. No way football and basketball season can happen at the same time.
I think you are wrong there. From fan support, to making money for the athletic department, there is no substitute for football. Basketball is the only other sport that could come within shouting distance but it falls woefully short. And at both the high school, and college, level football trumps everything. Let's put it this way. If you don't see a football season this year I don't think you will see any other sport at the high school level
No, i am right, school districts can't run these sports together. Impossible to do for many districts; lack of coaches, lack of transportation, lack of opponents that can do 2 at the same time, JUST FOR STARTERS.

Ninety Six Wildcats
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Re: 2020 Outlook for High School Football

Post by spectator »

racincowboy02 wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:24 pm
spectator you just keep on believing the main stream media and its agenda but for me and my family we are tired of being locked down we want our freedoms back. I feel very strongly that if they don't open these states up very soon you will see protest turn into riots. Its time for the governor to get the hell out. When do we as Americans take our freedoms back
You don't have the right to endanger the lives of others.
