we can run we can hide.the reality is we will have to face this virus .quarantine wasnt to keeo you from getting sick it was not ti overload the hospitals so you can live.likeitRnot wrote: ↑Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:35 pmDo we understand that a school system and sports program deal with people of all ages! The virus is not just going to say it's June and time to disappear! It will be here for the fall and winter and guess what???? Also new strains of the flu ! We can't be selfish and put these young men at risk just to our delight ! Some parents will more than likely not put their child at risk! Many said their child was not coming back to school this year if Governor approved schools could re-open! Noway you can 100% say that a player or coach would not catch it! (Until vaccine is made it will be a BIGGGGG change in the public school settings!FootballFan4343 wrote: ↑Thu Apr 30, 2020 3:07 pmAgain, everything is based on what we know right his second. It literally changes daily. One thing we do know about the illness is it, basically, doesn't affect our youth. Not only do they not have major implications from it, but many of them don't even catch it. Take a look at the daycares around our state, they have remained open, however has anyone heard of a child catching this through their daycare? My guess is if it happened, it would be all over the news as the Governor has caught a lot of flack for keeping them open. A month from now when our numbers are basically nothing in South Carolina, it is going to be tough to justify to the general public about not opening schools or playing high school sports. Plus with the speed at which medicine has been produced, at this point it is highly UNLIKELY to think that we won't have a readily available treatment for the virus AND a vaccine by the fall. Just one month ago, we were told there wouldn't be a vaccine for 12-18 months, now Dr. Fauci says we are likely to have one with 300 million doses by the end of the year.notabyrnesfan wrote: ↑Thu Apr 30, 2020 12:40 pmthe cherokee county superintendent told people just yesterday they are talking about having students use social distancing in the classroom this coming school year when the gaffney high seniors were protesting the two graduation options they have been given. i dont see how you can play a contact sport while you are using social distancing measures. it looks like we will need a miracle to have high school football in 2020.
https://www.wspa.com/news/watch-gaffney ... ion-plans/
his comments on this coming school year last from around 24:05 to 24:20 in the second video in the above link.
https://theweek.com/speedreads/911878/d ... by-january
Also, a month ago we were given numbers of close to 1 million that would die from the disease. Ridiculous quotes from Gov Cuomo saying New York would need 30,000 ventilators (I think last check they ended up needing 2500 total). All in all, the expectations have been WAY worse than they really were.
The point I am making is it is going to be extremely difficult to not have school or high school sports when we have all of this positive news about fighting the virus and we sit here in June with no new cases. The numbers are starting to show, they won't add up. On top of that, you have citizens in South Carolina who have finally started to realize they are ready to move on, THAT plays a major factor. At some point, the well being of a students' future (both in the classroom and off) starts to outweigh the threat of the virus.
If high school football is cancelled, you honestly ruin many low income students chances at furthering their education. Football, more than any other sport, gives low income students that chance. Sure, if you are good enough for major college football, that is known before your senior year. But for the Newberrys, Charleston Southerns, Benedicts of the world, many of those are grabbing those guys who FINALLY broke through as seniors. Those are the guys who need it to have ANY shot at college, because otherwise they can't afford it.
We will have to develop herd immunity period.
Id rather face it durrung the summer where the heat and humidity dont do the virus any favors.
We can not run hide for ever.
I dontt want to catch it nor do i want anyone else or thier familys.but if we are going ti face it lets do it on our terms while its at a disadvantage.
Maybe isolate the elderly and young but lets get it on.