What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Discussions for fans of all teams and all classes of South Carolina High School Football.

What should be done with the "PRIVATE SCHOOLS" like Oceanside, Gray etc in athletics?

Poll ended at Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:58 pm

Leave them where they are and everyone has to learn to deal with it
Make them play up one classification
Make them play in their own classification
I have another idea, see below.
Total votes: 19

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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by mrfootballtalk »

Do you honestly think private schools are just giving away free tuition? First they are a business and they all have expenses like salary, utilities, medical and other major expenses. Public school education is not what it use to be and with all the stuff going on now in schools many parents are just looking for a better education and often times a safer place for their kids. If you think a school is giving away hundreds of thousands of dollars away for sports then you are mistaken. I worked in private education for ten years before a career switch and I am telling you it's not what people think. Private schools want to be good in all things like education, drama, sports etc. Why? because it's a business and they want to have a good product to attract customers. Without a well rounded school you won't attract people and you need people to pay the bills. Look at the public school during the pandemic... it was a complete screw up organizationally and educationally. My niece goes to St Joseph and my sister and her husband were thrilled with what she got educationally compared to my public school friends kids. Anyone who says they wouldn't put their kids in a school that is safer and has a better education is flat out lying.

The reason why these schools are successful is they have the benefit of not having to take the idiots that the public school have to take. Therefore it creates and better environment for learning and sports. They frankly have a more committed kid sometimes to being well rounded.

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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by WhoDat »

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:57 am
Do you honestly think private schools are just giving away free tuition? First they are a business and they all have expenses like salary, utilities, medical and other major expenses. Public school education is not what it use to be and with all the stuff going on now in schools many parents are just looking for a better education and often times a safer place for their kids. If you think a school is giving away hundreds of thousands of dollars away for sports then you are mistaken. I worked in private education for ten years before a career switch and I am telling you it's not what people think. Private schools want to be good in all things like education, drama, sports etc. Why? because it's a business and they want to have a good product to attract customers. Without a well rounded school you won't attract people and you need people to pay the bills. Look at the public school during the pandemic... it was a complete screw up organizationally and educationally. My niece goes to St Joseph and my sister and her husband were thrilled with what she got educationally compared to my public school friends kids. Anyone who says they wouldn't put their kids in a school that is safer and has a better education is flat out lying.

The reason why these schools are successful is they have the benefit of not having to take the idiots that the public school have to take. Therefore it creates and better environment for learning and sports. They frankly have a more committed kid sometimes to being well rounded.
Well excuuuuuuuuse me for not consulting with a know it all such as yourself. Maybe we should put you in charge of the HSL with all that knowledge you bring and your connections with your cousin’s uncle’s roommate in college.
Couldn’t find a meter, but here’s 4 bucks!

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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by mrfootballtalk »

WHODAT -Brilliant thought provoking commentary by yourself.

Creekwater Werts
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

Fortfor5 wrote:
Sun Sep 19, 2021 2:39 pm
. If you are able to recruit top tier talent statewide you play top tier talent statewide . 5a automatically. After teobyears if they cant compete drop 1 classification.
This makes too much sense and is incredibly easy to implement. Start all 6 schools in 5A and subject them to yearly evalution to determine whether they should stay or go down. If they go down and fail, send them down another classification. If they go down and succeed, evaluate how successful, and if margin of victory is too much, send them up back up a classification. If they succeed but with thin margin, leave them be. If they win 3 consecutive years, but with thin margin, send them up a classification.

While they would be moving around a lot at first, eventually we would be able to see where these schools belong competitively. The problem is half of the magnet schools care mostly about academics>athletics, while the other half pretend to care about academics, but just use that loophole to succeed athletically. In time, this would become more apparent, and I doubt we would have to reclassify as much as I put on.

Right now, there is no right answer for everyone involved, and someone will not get their way. In my opinion, it should be the folks who CHOSE to branch out, not the ones who follow public guideline. It should be the folks who RECRUIT players, not the small schools relying on local talent.

If anyone should get incovenienced, it's those guys. Not the people who have rules to follow. I understand it may be a little unfair initially, but no one pointed a gun to their head and made them go a different direction. They're the ones that chose to have that advantage, at which moment, they chose to be subjected to different rules. Place them in 5A and adjust accordingly, in a few years time it will be evident where these teams belong. I presume that the magnet schools who care more about athletics will eventually find themselves in 5A anyway, and the ones who actually went this direction for academics will most likely be scattered among classes 1A-4A.

Whats happening to these one stop light towns in 1A and 2A is just absurd though. FIX IT SCHSL

Creekwater Werts
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

WhoDat wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 2:12 pm
mrfootballtalk wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:57 am
Do you honestly think private schools are just giving away free tuition? First they are a business and they all have expenses like salary, utilities, medical and other major expenses. Public school education is not what it use to be and with all the stuff going on now in schools many parents are just looking for a better education and often times a safer place for their kids. If you think a school is giving away hundreds of thousands of dollars away for sports then you are mistaken. I worked in private education for ten years before a career switch and I am telling you it's not what people think. Private schools want to be good in all things like education, drama, sports etc. Why? because it's a business and they want to have a good product to attract customers. Without a well rounded school you won't attract people and you need people to pay the bills. Look at the public school during the pandemic... it was a complete screw up organizationally and educationally. My niece goes to St Joseph and my sister and her husband were thrilled with what she got educationally compared to my public school friends kids. Anyone who says they wouldn't put their kids in a school that is safer and has a better education is flat out lying.

The reason why these schools are successful is they have the benefit of not having to take the idiots that the public school have to take. Therefore it creates and better environment for learning and sports. They frankly have a more committed kid sometimes to being well rounded.
Well excuuuuuuuuse me for not consulting with a know it all such as yourself. Maybe we should put you in charge of the HSL with all that knowledge you bring and your connections with your cousin’s uncle’s roommate in college.
This made me LOL. Was thinking the same thing when I read this.

Mr. Football you need to realize the private schools and Magnet schools in SC are very skewed. While being good at sports is attractive at any school, it is very obvious to see that some of the magnet schools want to succeed in school and could care less about athletics. Other Magnet schools want to succeed *just enough* in school to continue being good at sports.

To put it simply, there are magnet schools w terrible athletics and magnet schools with great athletics so it is impossible to speak on them collectively, as you did. Also, it would be naive to believe that some of these schools aren't handing out money for athletics. Like you said, good athletics is attractive, and attractive schools get more new people. More new people means more new money, and ultimately a recoupment of investment. So don't say it isn't happening. Also, stop crying about being broke. If you wanna cry, cry about the allocation of funds by the pathetic administrators you guys hire, not the fact that you don't have money.

I literally have examples (which I can provide) of schools setting up photo shoots to attract recruits. Yes, exactly like the college photo shoots where they invite recruits to come dress up in their uniform and have their picture taken. Anybody who has money to purchase professional studio equipment, professional photographers/editors, and has the ability to host and tour recruits, is certainly not hurting for money. If so, they have bigger problems. And for the true magnets who actually do care about school and don't abuse the system, I really do feel bad for you. But for the ones who do just enough academically to get an advantage athletically, I couldn't care less if they shoved you in 5A and made you figure it out.

I'm just tired of the pity party. Nobody made you do anything and I don't feel bad for folks who chose to go that route.

Creekwater Werts
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Wed Sep 22, 2021 9:39 am
So here is the real data behind all this. First off school choice is here to stay. It's helps kids get out of lower performing schools into higher ones. Most of the schools that Gray is getting kids from are far better off at Gray then they are the old schools they were at. The good Charter schools are a better education in most cases. It is very easy to come on here and say this and that but if it was your son or daughter and they were in a crappy school or program you would move them to a better situation, ( if you say no I would not , Frankly your lying).

So now that we have established most parents would move their kids for a better education or program now we can address the issues. When Public school talk about recruiting it is laughable. First, off all school do it in some form or fashion. The big schools 4A and 5A are the biggest offenders. Dutch Fork , Wrenn , Greenville High, South Point etc all have multiple kids transfer in every year. Some bring in a new Qb every year from out of state. So this myth that its just charters or private is based on zero facts.

So the answer to solve this "problem" is pretty simple. Offer and similar or better education and programs and kids won't leave. If you can get the same meal , same quality or better down the road for a cheaper price then you go eat there. Also these programs aren't winning state champions in the main sports. They are mostly winning them in non major sports.

Moral of the Story -- Get better --
You are a **** lmaooo

Nobody is saying that moving your kids to a different place is wrong.

We're saying that if you want to have a recruiting advantage you need to play 5A. You said it yourself, 5A recruits to an extent, and 4A, maybe, at a much lesser extent. If that is the case then you should have to play to those classifications. You know d@mn well there aren't any kids transferring to 1A-3A schools, so please explain to me why you would get to play in those classes and have the advantage of recruiting? Make it make sense to me Mr. Football.

And as far as your moral of the story, we've lost to Gray one time in the last 5 years, so not really jealous lol. It's just obvious to see the direction this is trending and something needs to be done to give these smaller schools an even playing field.

*** **** **** ** **** ***

Creekwater Werts
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:29 am
First off....everyone needs to lighten up. At the end of the day, it's a kids game that people view for entertainment. Yes, it may teach some life skills, but honestly, those lessons should be learned at home from parents. As far as a small school not being able to compete with larger classifications, I think we need to look at history here and remember teams like Abbeville, Woodruff, and Dillon etc when they are/were 2A. They could compete with the big boys. Ask Mallard Creek about Dillon. Leave them where they are according to the school size. I think the short answer is ....get better.

Fear The Fox...Fixed On Six...for Jack #60 and Gage #4.
How can you think this way?

Gray was nothing 6 years ago and now they are competing with and beating 5A teams. This has nothing to do with coaching, working hard, or getting better. There are plenty of teams who used to smoke Gray before they picked up steam with recruiting. The way it's trending, even Abbeville will be overtaken by Gray at some point. They nearly beat Gaffney for God's Sake.

It's not about "getting better" when most 2A schools have 40 athletes to make a team and Gray can go out and cherry pick athletes from schools around the state. You don't know because you aren't dealing with it yet, and even if you were you would have a chance based on numbers. But for the small schools in 2A, they don't stand a chance. Please shed light on how you think that is fair for the kids.

Creekwater Werts
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Tue Sep 28, 2021 9:57 am
How come nobody complains when Dorman, Dutch Fork, Gaffney get a QB in that transfers from another State? Woodruff gets 4/5 transfers in every year from other schools. Abbeville has Calhoun Falls team playing at Abbeville. If we are going to be screaming about recruiting a lot of the public schools need to look in the mirror first.
Because it is expected? Dumb@ss. People move to populated areas, it happens.

I see you keep using these 5A teams when you refer to examples of players transferring in. BC you know good and well nobody is transferring from anywhere to go to small 2A school unless they aren't getting playing time in a higher classification, AKA they aren't good.

Thanks for proving the point we all are trying to make. Wanna do what the big boys do, play in their classification!

P.S. I thought you should know you're the dumbest person I've encountered on this forum so far. Congrats!

Creekwater Werts
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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Creekwater Werts »

mrfootballtalk wrote:
Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:19 am
They just recruit instead of working ? You see when you make ignorant statements like that you just discredit yourself from any real conversation. These school attract the better coaches many times and in the case of Gaffney vs Gray .. Gaffney was out coached but they had one or two more athletes to overcome it. Too many times you just blame it on "Oh they recruit" .. well guess what everyone does. Some of these "big schools" aren't well coached or prepared.. AKA Gaffney. Oh and guess what .. Gaffney QB is a recruit from Blue Ridge !
I can't believe how much you know! I'm starting to think you may know it all!!!

So tell me how Gray, with the same 'Great Coach' you speak of, was a bottom feeder in 2A five years ago, and are now competing with the likes of Gaffney?

I guess adam smith decided after years of losing at 2 different schools, that he would decide to be a great coach.. Makes sense.

Definitely not the fact that he was a Image coach and couldn't compete with average players, but now has established a recruiting pipeline and has found success in something nobody else in his classification has access to. Please lol

If you would've have watched Gray under Adam Smith a few years ago, you would know that Gray's success has nothing to do with anything other than the fact they have a recruiting advantage.

Would love to hear your rebuttal, your highness.

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Re: What do we do with the Oceanside/Gray etc.

Post by Rebel-Fan-74 »

I think we need to provide a definition of "RECRUITING" here....

Because a player wants to go to Gaffney, Dorman, Dutch Fork doesn't mean there is recruiting. Transfers are not necessarily recruiting.

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I'm thinking about entering the transfer portal!
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